Many people think that failure is not part of success. And not a few people think that success is never fails. Less precise it's like when someone says the failure was a delayed success. Because a failure then is a process and not the end. So I have to say Main Term Success Is Must Fail.
If you are one person who had many idols in life or idolize anyone who you think is successful in his life, then try to briefly explore how the story of the long journey to achieve what he has gotten.
Person's success can not be seen with the final result. But the learning process of beginning the rise of an intention and fortitude of a stance in holding trials and testing of a blow that hit from all directions from time to time even at the time - a time when if there was no hope to bounce back up to where he finally got what named with a sense of "success."
Success is just a matter of time. When the intention + spirit + business + confidence + prayer has been done then wait he'll come. If your position is now still in the stage to feel the sense of failure then it means you are passing through the process. Those who succeed are those who have repeatedly risen and fallen in a disappointment but able to survive and rise again because it believes that failure is a condition of a success.
Success is a choice indeed, but what does it mean a choice of vacuum without coupled with business, faith and prayer?. Look at those who are now enjoying the results of their efforts ..! Those who had passed the process for the process and is now in a stage of enjoying the work. Then ask them: "How many times have you failed in your life?". Then ask yourself: "Where I've been on stage? ". Is my success is merely the intention? or have failed but are reluctant to bounce back?.
Indeed, there is no measure how many times we have failed to achieve a success, but rest assured the more you fall, then the closer you are to success. The more you fail in life then increasing the lessons that you get to later become the experience so as not to fail again. Would not be better once tried a thousand times dreaming?
Succes is only there in the action. It is true that life started from a dream.But Planning without action will be meaningless - meaningless. The ideals, plans, tips, tricks, strategies and so forth that are necessary, but not enough and there's no point even if only a discourse without being able to be realized in real action. And Remember don't make a failure obstacle, think of him as a stepping stone for you to level up. Like a school child, every time you want to ride the class then have to test / test first. If not successful then try again next year and so forth until you succeed. That mechanism of this life, if we understand the phase by phase which we will pass the actual life will be easier to live. If all the lessons you have obtained then it is appropriate that you receive the value of report cards with satisfactory results. satisfactory results.
Could A "Michael Jackson" was able to sing when the new born?
Football Is A Legendary "Maradona" has been able to play football when he was born?
Or a "Albert Einstein" could create a new formula when born?
Then if the skill / talent is inborn?
The answer is no, Everything needed process.
So how do we get it?
Sure that his name should be passed first stage by stage of life.
So that actually is not the wrong people in this world, and failure is not an error. Failure is a learning experience to later become so that no one else. And that one person only people who fall and then let go and allow yourself to fall forever in failure.
Because suffering is essentially a signal the arrival of happiness.
So Blessed are those who are experiencing a failure. Quickly pack up and get ready because soon the train will arrive to pick up your success.
Source : Vivanews.com